Doing Something and finding Inspiration - Tampa Bay Photographer

Creativity comes from looking for the unexpected and stepping outside your own experience.
 -Masaru Ibuka

Lately, I've been feeling a little lost professionally. I know what I need to do to keep my business moving forward but find myself stuck. I can blame it on a lot of things that are not where I want them to be right now. I can blame myself for not doing anything... or I can DO something. I decided on the do something option. Following Picasso's advice: "Inspiration does exist, but it must find you working", I started doing something, anything to keep the creativity wheels spinning. Here is what I'm working on:1)  Fast Track Photographer by Dan Sanders - I bought this book a while ago and finally got into it! It is a great book so far, I'll talk more about it when I'm done reading it :D.2) Remodeling - I decided to spice up the part of the home office from where I run my business. I've been struggling with how I want my brand as a photographer to look like but thinking about decoration made me realize what I like and I can incorporate them into my brand (double jackpot!). I went to Michael's and bought some stuff. I have been painting, stenciling and gluing pearls and gears to my lot. If you are following me on Instagram, you have seen some of the "in-progress" shots. (If you are not following me on Instagram, what are you waiting for? Look for me: sharmashari. It is fun to share random things you find or do during the day!)3) Mingling/Networking - Forcing my so introvert self...I know, introvert + business owner = not so good mix. But I will make this work, dang it! I love it too much to let a little thing as introversion stop me. What was I saying? Right!, forcing my introvert self into social activities and networking. Last night, I attended a Wedding Wire Networking evening. I was intended to meet/collect business cards of at least 3 people. I came home with more than 10, and no, I didn't pick them up from the table. I actually talk to the owners of such cards. Sharma=1, Introversion=0...Just these little things are helping me get moving! I am starting to feel refresh and some ideas are starting to flow. If you are experiencing the same, I dare you to move! I dare to do something, doesn't have to be a big project, just do it. I dare you, I double dare you. MOVE... So Inspiration will find you working! 

Happy Tuesday!


Being More Out there and Date Nights -Tampa Bay Photography


Tampa Engagement Session - Melissa + Sam